$99.99Many try using a DI-Box “backwards” in order to convert a balanced signal to unbalanced. The resulting mismatch generally leads to disappointing results. The PDIR (DI-Reverse) offers a... -
$99.99A Reamping-Box is mainly used in studios. It allows you to play back a recorded guitar signal and send it to a guitar amp, where it can again be taken and recorded by the microphone. This allows the... -
PALMER Pan16 19" DI box w/8 channels passive
$379.99No.: PAN16 19“ passive DI-Box 8 Channels Up to 16 Inputs Link Merge Function Flexible PAD: -10dB, -20dB, -30dB Transformer balanced... -
PALMER PAN 08 US - 19" DI/Line Isolation Box 4 channels powered
$519.99The PAN08 is a multifunctional device. Each of the four channels can be used independently as an active DI box, line isolation box or booster. The combination socket input accepts unbalanced and... -
PALMER Pro PAN 04 A - Powered 2-Channel DI Box
$179.99Active 2-channel DI box with premium balancing transformers 10–40 kHz frequency response, high dynamic response -30 dB input attenuation, switchable Ground lift... -
PALMER PAN 04 - DI Box 2-channel passive
$99.99The PAN-04 consists of a housing containing the equivalent of two PAN-01s, making it a dual channel passive DI box. This „stereo" configuration makes it ideally suited for use with certain... -
PALMER PAN 03 PASS - 19" DI Box 4-channel passive
$229.99Passive 4-channel DI BOX in a 19" housing. Each channel has a jack input with a parallel output for looping the signal through. An attenuation switch (-30 dB) permits connection of a line or speaker... -
PALMER PAN 03 US - 19" DI Box 4-channel Powered
$379.99PALMER PAN 03 US - 19" DI Box 4-channel Powered -
PALMER PAN 02 - Standard Powered DI Box
$89.99Standard active DI box. Can be operated with 9 V batteries or 48 V phantom power. High-impedance input; higher output level than with a passive DI box. Active circuitry allows for high input... -
PALMER PAN01PRO - Professional DI Box passive
$89.99PAN01 PRO is the deluxe version of Palmer's top selling passive DI box PAN01. It features a 2 mm steel housing and heavy duty metal switches for the PAD and ground lift functions to withstand the... -